

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是: The rationale for this policy is to build a healthy community that values each student 和 helps promote safety 和 respect of all. 校园社区的成员必须努力创造和维护一个安全, 欢迎和尊重的环境. Sexual misconduct by a student violates University values, is prohibited 和 will be sanctioned. 本政策适用于任何情况 一个人的 性别,性别认同或表达,或性取向.

政策: This policy establishes procedures for reporting 和 investigating allegations of 性ual misconduct.

适用范围及适用性: This policy applies to 性ual misconduct reportedly committed by a student 和 requires 所有大学员工都被认为是“负责任的员工”.S. 和下面讨论的教育部门 举报性行为不端的指控.


不正当的性行为 可以发生在任何大学赞助的项目中, both on- campus 和 off-campus or at an off campus location if the effects of the misconduct adversely affects or creates a hostile environment on campus, 危害或威胁任何人的健康或安全的及/或有损于大学的利益及/或教育使命. 性行为不端 不受欢迎的 与性有关的行为 不同意 ,包括 性骚扰, 性敌对环境 性暴力.

The best way to describe what is “不受欢迎的” or “不同意” is to describe what consent 是和 

  • 同意是一种肯定, 明确的, 和 a conscious decision by each participant to engage in mutually agreed upon 性ual activity.
  • 同意是可撤销的,可以在任何时候撤回.
  • Consent to some form of 性ual activity does not imply consent to other forms of 性ual activity.
  • Consent to 性ual activity on one occasion is not consent to engage in 性ual activity on another occasion.
  • 沉默并不意味着同意.
  • Consent to engage in 性ual activity with one person does not imply consent to engage in 性ual activity with another.
  • 如果使用胁迫、恐吓、威胁或武力,则未经同意.
  • 如果一个人是未成年人,没有同意.
  • If a person is mentally or physically incapacitated so that they cannot underst和 the fact, 性状况的性质或程度, 没有同意. This includes incapacitation due to alcohol or drug consumption, or being asleep or unconscious.

性骚扰 不受欢迎的行为是否与性有关, 其中可能包括不受欢迎的性侵犯, 性要求, 还有其他口头上的, 性行为:性方面的非语言或身体行为, 包括性侵犯和其他性暴力行为.

性骚扰造成了 性敌对环境 if the conduct is sufficiently serious that it denies or limits the ability to participate in or benefit from a University program. A variety of related factors determine if a 性敌对环境 has been created 和 the conduct in question is considered from both an objective 和 subjective perspective. Factors examined include the type of harassment; the frequency 和 severity of the misconduct; the age, 性, 和 relationship of the individuals involved; the setting 和 context in which the harassment occurred; 和 other relevant factors. 行为越严重, the less need there is to show a repetitive series of incidents to prove hostile environment, 尤其是身体上的骚扰. 单个或孤立的性暴力事件可能造成敌对环境.

性暴力 指对某人实施的肉体性行为遗嘱或 在一个人没有能力给予同意的地方. 许多不同的行为都属于这一类,包括强奸, 性侵犯, 性电池, 性虐待, 以及性胁迫.


Sexual misconduct can lead to University 制裁, civil legal action 和 criminal penalties.

Student 性ual misconduct may be considered a crime under the following Michigan laws:



  1. 自愿报告

    尽管有以下章节, those who believe they have been the victim of 性ual misconduct by a student or have information that a student has been victimized should report the 性ual misconduct 任何 下列的:



    发送短信到67283. 包括“OUPD”在开头 消息.

    OUPD有经过专门培训的工作人员,可以与学生一起工作 一天24小时,一周7天


    多元化、公平和包容部主任 & 第九条协调员 

    These individuals will coordinate with one another 和 may also notify 和 involve other appropriate University officials. 投诉可以同时向OUPD和第九条协调员提交,也可以单独提交.

  2. 大学员工的强制性报告

    所有大学员工都被视为 “负责任的员工”的定义 U.S. 教育署及 必须 report allegations of student 性ual misconduct to the 第九条协调员, identified above. 只有那些大学员工扮演心理健康咨询师的角色, 心理学家, 医疗保健从业人员, 和 persons with a professional license requiring confidentiality 和 those supervised by such a person do not have to report allegations of student 性ual misconduct. 教师 or staff members that do not act in the roles described above but hold such credentials 必须 report allegations of 性ual misconduct.

    Employees 必须 report all relevant details that are disclosed to them so that the University can determine what occurred 和 to address the situation, 包括所有相关人员的姓名(如果知道的话), 的日期, time, location, 等.

    Employees do not need to determine if student 性ual misconduct actually occurred but 必须 be aware of 和 adhere to this Policy. 另外,虽然保密 不能保证, 在可能的范围内,员工应该只分享有关学生的信息 性ual misconduct with University employees or external parties on a need-to-know bas是和 as permitted or required under University policy 和 applicable law.

  3. 学生不当性行为举报的处理

    All reports of 性ual misconduct by a student will be investigated 和 adjudicated in accordance with the hearing process outlined in the 学生行为准则(SCC). The SCC process may proceed while criminal or civil proceedings are pending or resolved 和 University 制裁, 如果有任何, 是否会独立于那些刑事或民事诉讼进行管理. SCC进程包括但不限于临时措施的可用性, 调查, 顾问的参与, 证据标准, 制裁, 补救措施, 结果通知及上诉程序. 请参阅SCC以了解每种方法的详细解释.

    Sexual misconduct reportedly by a faculty or staff member will be investigated in accordance with other applicable University policies, 请参阅行政政策及程序编号. 710 711.

    性行为不端也可能是由大学供应商犯下的 以及那些不是校园社区成员的人(e.g.(另一所学校的学生). 在适当的时候, students 和 others will also be directed to available support services such as counseling or to report to other law enforcement 和/or other agencies. The ability to investigate 和/or take direct action may be limited in such instances.


任何人不得报复学生, 教职员工或恐吓, 威胁, or coerce them in any way because he/she has reported or participated in an investigation or adjudication of 性ual misconduct by a student. Anyone who believes they are being retaliated against should contact the 第九条协调员 immediately.



  • 咨询中心- (248)370-3465; www.奥克兰.edu/oucc
  • 克里顿医院,罗切斯特- (248)652-5000
  • St. 约瑟夫仁慈医院,庞蒂亚克- (248)858-3000
  • 还, Pontiac - (248) 334-1274 or (877) 922-1274 - 24-hour crisis support for 性侵犯 victims
  • Common Ground Sanctuary Victim Assistance Program (serving Oakl和 County) - (248) 456-8150, 危机热线- (800)231-1127; www.commongroundhelps.org
  • 转折点,克莱门斯山,24小时危机热线- (586)468-6990


  • 奥克兰县检察官办公室, District Court Advocacy Program Prosecutor’s Office/Victim Services (serving Oakl和 County) - (248) 858-0656 www.oakgov.com
  • 奥克兰县警长办公室电话:(248)858-4911
  • 奥本山警察局- (248)370-9444
  • 罗切斯特警察局- (248)651-9621
  • 马科姆县警长办公室- (586)469-5151



  • OU美联社 & P #710 禁止歧视的行政指引
  • OU美联社 & P #711 处理歧视投诉指引